Wednesday 26 January 2011

CO - Updates to our Project

This afternoon, we resumed filming for our production, Dreamfall. After producing a rough cut of our collection of shots taken at Ben's house, we started filming the rest of the shots at school, primarily in the E - D floors, and parts of the 6th form centre. This certain location was chosen by everyone in the group because it would be an ideal destination for recording the rest, as it is used when the main character wakes up, in a dream. The school setting provides massive open spaces and long corridors ideal for use within a psychological thriller genre, and will add to the element of the character slowly slipping into insanity.

We utilised the use of fake blood, as we did in the scenes shot in the house. However, we did run into a slight problem with how we made it this time, and we used too much corn syrup, which resulted in the blood looking too opaque and thick, and too purple (thanks to too much blue food colouring being added). However, we are editing it to be in black and white rather than colour to signify a detachment from reality. This means the colour of the blood won't be as clear.

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